Bersa thunder 380 instructions
The Bersa Thunder looks very much like a PPK, and it is a fraction of the price! For those of you who own or have shot the Thunder, how do you like it? If I only had 250-300 dollars, and had to bet my life on a firearm: I would pick up the Bersa Thunder .380. If you were my friend and thought so much Bersa Thunder .380 Combat Pistol. Wanamassa, NJ - -( Eagle Imports, Inc., importers of the popular Bersa line of firearms, reveal the new Bersa Thunder .380 Combat pistol. Featuring a sleek, modern design and enhancements Sorry, the video player failed to load. (Error Code: 101102). The Bersa Thunder 380 is an Argentine handgun very similar to the Walther PPK . It was intended as a weapon for the civilian concealed carry market
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