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The 10th edition of this classic handbook has been thoroughly revised and updated to offer mechanical and design engineers practical, in-depth coverage of Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers 11th Edition [Avallone, Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design (McGraw-Hill Series in Mechanical Solve any mechanical engineering problem quickly and easily with the world's Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers; Author: Eugene A. Avallone; Solve any mechanical engineering problem quickly and easily with the world's leading engineering handbook Nearly 1800 pages of mechanical engineering facts, Eugene A. Avallone is a consulting engineer with over 50 years of active practice in industry and academia. Theodore Baumeister III was affiliated with E.I Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers [Avallone, Eugene A., Mechanical engineering design (McGraw-Hill series in mechanical engineering). Marks' Standard Handbook For Mechanical Engineers - Eugene A. Avallone, you'll solve any mechanical engineering problem quickly and easily--guaranteed!Marks' Standard Handbook For Mechanical Engineers by Eugene Avallone AISC Manual of Steel Construction Allowable Stress Design - by AISC.
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